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This is Us

This is a generation of exceptional leaders who are already showing their mettle in everyday circumstances. This is a generation of enormous potential and great promise. This is a generation of revolutionary ideas and strong conviction. We owe it to this generation to ensure that we speak to and call out their inner humanity. This is the true essence of our calling: to share our own humanity and to call out the humanity in others!

The reality is that every politician, every business person, every artist, academic, and indeed every criminal and every saint were all at some point sitting under the care of the proverbial “village”, in all its various forms, during the very formative years of their lives. There has been a community that has had the very profound opportunity of moulding and being of influence on every individual. It is therefore incumbent upon us always to critically observe what kind of village we are. This suggests that there is an added responsibility to ensure that every person has a space where they can find themselves, can thrive, can express themselves fully, and can find ultimate acceptance! For some this will be in the classroom and in academic excellence, for some this will be in the co-curricular programme, and for others it will be in break times and on playgrounds. 

This is our collective call to action as a school community. Let’s intentionally reach beyond the bounds of our present knowledge and choose to grow as we carefully nurture every member of our community. Let’s find the humanity in every individual and let’s give them the platform to thrive in it and to share it! Let’s teach beyond our classrooms and play beyond the sports fields and stages. Let’s celebrate every success in every sphere and recognize every teaching moment! Let’s inspire confidence and wonder in every student. And, most of all, let us be the first to embrace every learning opportunity and make sure that we too always keep learning! 

This is us! 

Let us serve this generation so that they can serve our nation!
